上周日和几位同事到了伦乐一趟。第一次自己开车到那么远的地方, 而路只有那么一条,难怪别人说不会迷路。这里也是飞车的好地方,因为大家一般都会开到百多,而你不知不觉也会跟着踩油门往前冲。
既然都来到伦乐了,所以顺便去了三马丹的国民服务营(Kem Putra Sentosa)去探访朋友。原本还打算到处参观的,后来才知不可乱乱跑。里面有个大厅供外人会见家人亲友,入口处的泊油广场是他们操练的地方,旁边到有个小湖用作划船活动,还有个小商店是卖个人日常用品的。看到这些小兵个个黑溜溜的,听说国民服务就像生活营般好玩。哭着来,是因为担心陌生的环境,哭着回,是因为舍不得共患难的朋友。
突然很怀念以前参加童军的日子,经常游山泼水,还有魔鬼式的训练营。J龟便叫我去报名,听说是可自行报名参加的。我说我老了啦,丢脸啦,也那种体力了。J龟说反正很多人都误会你Form5 刚念完。。。汗。

half road saw ppl cycle contest neh. da police stop da cars there
AT one T juction, yansan suggest go sematan first, so we turn left side first. Spend about 15+ minutes like that reach the kem Putra Sentosa.
reach there liao jason still not yet back, so have to wait him....

The big gate is here, visitor have to fill in a green form, then get the pass
at side there got one small river ^.^ that can play sampan and small boat there.

Here the pass, wow got write the kem name.

All the visitor meet their relative here. look like canteen.

Here the place those big commander stand~ then those small fish everyday~ baris setia! kanan pusing kiri pusing here..haha We tot can sit here..mana tahu jason said canot sit here d.
after that went to Lundu to vist my old friend also classmate Jia How. Then he bring us to fung Ling SEafood restaurent eat~

Nai you xia


meat ball

Thanks for Cia us eat good food o.
Then went to visit yan san's house. her parent make Butin and cake trade us. hoho

Here here house outside d garden..cos she dont allow me shoot his house inside..hehe