After booked the seat, we walked to tun jugah to buy my dinner. I order one set of sushi and "cold mee" (i dono how it call). Many ppl there, maybe open puasa, no more seat for us. Bobian, so i have to tapau (take away), and bring it to the restaurant down star cineme there eat.
infront the japan food stall
eerrrr..the color taste so weird
after finish watch movie resident evil, a bit dissapoint la, because the final boss too weak, not much skill, so fast die, total movie only 1.30 hour. After that went to good day for drink yamcha.
my brother lol..
bro's ku-ras-mat-to
heard the tehc not bad there, i dono lo, i order apple juice nia.
this two ppl start to play VS game with bluetooth
生化危机3。女主角Alice依然是名模Milla Jovovich主演,这次的故事背景发生在沙漠地带,丧尸也比往集多,还有行动快速的特种丧尸。如往常般,那些“样衰”的配角往往都先牺牲。最深刻的一幕,应该是女主角控制火焰把哪些肉食乌鸦通通烧死。特技效果还做的不错。美中不足的地方就是结局时,与最终BOSS的对打不够瘾,太容易死了,没什么招式。