found this on this site..funny
Language : Rojak
Malaysians uses Rojak(Mix) Language. Rojak language is an integrated language where everyone can speak or also regard as the World's International Language. It consists languages of Malay, Chinese, Tamil, English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Hokkien, Siam, Elven, Orc, Pokemon, Digimon, and many more. With that, anyone can communicate with anyone at all without needing to know more than 1 language. This also comes in handy when traveling, you don't need to know their language, use Rojak Language and messages can be conveyed effectively.
The best thing about Rojak Language is that, it is so simple. The grammar law is easy to follow.
No Sweat Lah!
No Sweat Lah!
* Add "Lah" in the end of every sentence. Bob your head when doing that.
* Use "maybe", "can", "dunno" extensively.
* Each sentence must consist of more than 3 dialects/languages.
* If you dont know what to do next just say "OK" and nod your head.
* I am too lazy to add.
Sentence Examples:
* "I wan to eat coke lah."
* "All your base are belong to us lah brader"
* "Orang tu kawaii lai de lah"
* White person:"What is your soup of the day?"Malaysian:OK.
Useful and Common Phrases
* GoodBye - Aiyah no time talk liao baibai
* Where's the toilet? - Oi kawan, where jamban?
* Let's have sex - I wan rape you can ah?
* Are you a hooker? - Satu malam berapa?
* Why did you kill my cow? - BODOH! Ay Fookin ke you Lemak!
* I will have your daughter's hand in marriage. - Tandas! Tandas! Tandas!
* One Cheeseburger and a large coke - Oi TAUKEH, buger and cola kasi satu!
* Istilah dunia baru ketum - nama saintifik ketumkethamin!